This is how I'm gonna spend first week of new year. Preparations and first fundraising event. I was so scared to make it Bcz in China there are thousands stray dogs, they are just dying in "shelters" after they were caught on the street or they can be sold as a food...#dognotfood!! I have these group chats where people are trying to help them everyday sending almost their last money. So I thought that there should be smth more. I read about sport, photo, fashion..ANY KIND OF fundraising events, which people do around the world and got inspired. So here we go. I am a dancer(at least trying to be😜), my friends are amazing dancers, their friends are living for dance or want to learn how to dance. It became for me more obvious to make a dance workshops for that shelter where I'm trying to go at least once a week. And I'm happy that I got that team for next Saturday, people who already signed, wrote me that they WOULD LOVE TO help!!! And now I know that it's def not gonna be my last fundraising event for that year, because of them, people who gave me faith. Because my love vladimirsoul supports me so hard, fom_fomina and leshareva made that beautiful poster despite the fact they were so busy working in the end of Dec. gh5dancestudio supported us with free place and promotion, not even asking, like DO IT!! So here we go, 2018, WELCOME💜#cantwait !!! #dance #life #workshop #danceworkshop #gh5dancestudio #fundraising #fundraisingevent #dogslife #shelter #UnG #unitedguardiansteam #上海 #中国 #上海流浪狗收容所募捐

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